News >Hydraulic steering systems : pre-season services

Hydraulic steering systems : pre-season services

Lecomble et Schmitt les bons réflexes d'avant saison, sortie d'hivernage


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Summer is coming! It’s time to launching your boat and checking it to ensure a sailing in optimum condition!

Whatever the type of your boat, the hydraulic steering is an essential safety device which needs an indispensable minimal maintenance.

The first step is to check it at dockside while maneuvering several times from port to starboard. This allows you to check that the cylinder moves smoothly to its stops, and that the pump turns regular. Then check that there are no leaks on the steering components (pipes, cylinder and pump).

The second step is done by visually checking the level and cleanliness of the oil in your helm pump. To do this, please refer to the installation instructions supplied with the “owner’s manual”(*). If necessary, top up or drain the steering system, and be sure to use the oil recommended by LS. To ensure that the system is bleeded correctly, without turning the steering wheel, try manually moving your steering cylinder with a tiller if you want to. This one must not move more than 1 cm, otherwise please do a complete bleed of your steering system.

Finally, lubricate the attachment elements connecting the cylinder to the engine or the rudder. In the case of an outboard motor, LS recommends that you use its equipped grease nipple.

The Lecomble & Schmitt team wishes you a great nautical season and remains at your disposal throughout the summer.

(*)If you are equipped with Lecomble & Schmitt steering, please find all the maintenance and installation instructions here.

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